2022 Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Tax Year 2022Childcare Tax Credit This 2022 Child and Dependent Care Calculator tool will let you know if you qualify for this non-refundable federal tax credit for Tax Year 2022. Since October of 2023, you can no longer e-file 2022 tax returns and can only use paper forms to file your return. 2024 year tax returns are due by April and can be e-filed until October. Start your current year tax return now and get the answer free before you e-file your taxes by the deadline. Use the tax estimator and find out not only your tax return results, but also the dependent child tax credit amount. You can e-file your current year taxes regardless of when you file or mail your 2022 Return. What Is the Childcare Tax Credit? If you paid someone to care for your child or dependent or another qualifying relative so you and/or your spouse could work, look for work, or go to school, then you may be able to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit. Keep in mind, this tax credit is not the same as the Child Tax Credit, meaning you can claim both in one year should you qualify. The following criteria will determine if you qualify for the credit and this tool will guide you through them: A: Qualifying Person B: Earned Income C: Work-Related Expense D: Joint Return E: Care Provider Identification Child and Dependent Care Calculator Learn more about this tax credit Start Over 2022 CAREucatorChild and Dependent Care Tax Credit Can You Claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit? Start the CAREucator eFile.com is up to 60% less than than H&R Block or® TurboTax® Dare to Compare Tax Services Now! Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Was the care for one or more qualifying persons? More A person must meet all three criteria: A. Be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. resident alien, U.S. national, or a resident of Canada or Mexico. B. Have a Social Security Number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) C. Was born on or before December 31 of a given tax year. Exception if the child died in the same year as it was born. Otherwise, answer with No as the person will not qualify as a qualifying child, relative, or dependent. Read this IRS document for more details on who is a qualifying Dependent qualifying criteria Yes No Did you have earned income during the year? A taxpayer or taxpayers (if filing married filing jointly) must have earned income (wages, salaries, taxable employee payments, disability pay reported as wages, strike benefits, net earning from self-employment, nontaxable combat pay, a net loss from self-employment reduces earned income.) during the tax year. There are special rules for a full time student-spouse or a spouse who is not take care of himself or herself due to physical or mental disabilities; in this case the spouse must live with the taxpayer. Details on what is earned income is. What is earned income? Yes No Did you pay the expenses to allow you to work or look for work? Work related expenses must allow you (and/or spouse) to work or look for work. If you are married, generally both you and your spouse must work or look for work. One spouse is treated as working during any month he or she is a full-time student or isn't physically or mentally able to care for himself or herself. You must make payments for child and dependent care to someone you (and your spouse) can't claim as a dependent e.g. maid, babysitter, housekeeper, day care center (must provide to more than 6 persons), relative etc. If you make payments to your child , he or she can't be your dependent and must be age 19 or older by the end of the year. You can't make payments to: A: Your spouse, or B: The parent of your qualifying person (if your qualifying person is your child and under age 13). Details on work-related care expense payments. What are expense payments? Yes No Were your payments made to someone you or your spouse could claim as a dependent? You will not qualify for the child and dependent care tax credit if you make payments to someone you (and your spouse) can't claim as a dependent on your tax return. If you make payments to your child , he or she can't be your dependent and must be age 19 or older by the end of the year. You can't make payments to: A: Your spouse, or B: The parent of your qualifying person (if your qualifying person is your child and under age 13). Details on work-related care expense payments. Details Yes No Were your payments made to your spouse or to the parent of your qualifying person who is your qualifying child and under age 13? You must make payments for child and dependent care to someone you (and your spouse) can't claim as a dependent e.g. maid, babysitter, housekeeper, day care center (must provide to more than 6 persons), relative etc. If you make payments to your child , he or she can't be your dependent and must be age 19 or older by the end of the year. You can't make payments to: A: Your spouse, or B: The parent of your qualifying person (if your qualifying person is your child and under age 13). Details on work-related care expense payments. Details Yes No Were your payments made to your child who was under the age of 19 at the end of the year? If you make payments to your child , he or she can't be your dependent and must be age 19 or older by the end of the year. You can't make payments to: A: Your spouse, or B: The parent of your qualifying person (if your qualifying person is your child and under age 13). Details on work-related care expense payments. Details Yes No Are you single? Yes No Are you filing a joint return? Your tax return IRS filing status may be single, head of household, or qualifying surviving spouse. If you are married, you must file as married filing joint, unless an exception applies to you. Details on filing status and child, dependent care tax credit Details Yes No Do you meet the requirements to be considered unmarried? Details Yes No Do you know the care provider's name, address, and identifying number? When you prepare and e-File your taxes you must provide the provider's: Name, Address and Taxpayer Identification number (e.g. SSN or EIN). You can use Form W-10 Details? Yes No Did you make a reasonable effort to get this information? Yes No Did you have more than one qualifying person? Details? Yes No Are you excluding or deducting at least $8,000 of dependent care benefits? Yes No No, you can not claim the Dependent Care Credit for this person, worth up to $3,000 (one dependent) or up to $6,000 (two or more dependents). Email Email Me My Dependent Care Credit Results We will not share your email with anybody; you can unsubscribe at any time. Find out if you qualify for the Child Tax Credit. Contact us with your Tax Questions. Start a return now on eFile.com for more personalized results before you eFile your Taxes. Start Free Why eFile.com? Premium Support Utilize over fifteen free 2022 tax calculators and tools that help you plan, prepare, or estimate your 2022 Tax Return. Since October 2023, you can no longer e-file your 2022 Taxes. Here are the 2022 Tax Forms and other 2022 related pages to help you in filing your taxes. TurboTax® is a registered trademark of Intuit, Inc. H&R Block® is a registered trademark of HRB Innovations, Inc.