Child Care, Dependent Care Tax Credit
This tool is for Tax Year 2021 only; for the 2024 tax year, use this Child and Dependent Care Calculator. Child and dependent care can be very expensive, but there is a federal tax credit to help with these costs.
If you paid someone during 2021 to care for your child, dependent, or spouse so you could work, look for work, go to school, or because of a disability, then you may be able to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit.
Note: This tax credit is not the same as the Child Tax Credit - in fact, you may be able to claim both. Use the Child and Dependent Care Calculator tool below to see if you qualify for the Child and Dependent Care Credit.
Below the calculator, find important information regarding the 2021 Child and Dependent Care Credit (CDCC). This credit was greatly changed as part of the third stimulus plan or American Rescue Plan Act for 2021 only.
How to File 2021 Taxes Now?
At this point, you can only prepare and mail 2021 paper returns. Use these 2021 Tax Calculators and Forms to prepare your 2021 Taxes before you mail them to the IRS and/or state tax agency.
Can You Calculate the 2021 Childcare Tax Credit?
This tax credit for daycare expenses is a nonrefundable credit, meaning it will not be part of your tax refund and will only pay any taxes owed. For example, if you owe $1,000 in federal taxes but then claim this credit for $2,000, you will effectively reduce your taxes to $0, eliminating the remaining money.
However, for 2021 only, it was fully refundable. Use the tool to determine your credit amount and see details below the tool.
The Child and Dependent Care Credit in 2021
As part of the American Rescue Plan Act passed in 2021, this tax credit was greatly enhanced for Tax Year 2021 only. If you paid for childcare during 2021, you can claim this as one credit on your 2021 Tax Return, which is fully refundable. Use the current tax year CAREucator tool if you paid for childcare expenses this year.
The plan gave a maximum, fully refundable tax credit in the amount of up to $8,000 towards paying for childcare. As a refundable tax credit, this means you can receive the amount even if you do not owe taxes. In short, the IRS is paying half of these expenses up to a maximum of $8,000 per child, where the taxpayer pays $8,000 during the year and receives half of it back as a tax refund. The credit also covers up to $16,000 for two or more children; the taxpayer pays up to $16,000 in qualifying childcare expenses and receives half of it back as a refund.
The credit amount begins to phase out or decrease when the taxpayer or household income reaches $125,000. The credit is decreased by 50% for any amount between $125,000 and $183,000, where it is phased out to 20%. This 20% lasts until the income reaches a maximum of $400,000. Any amounts from $438,000 and above will reduce the credit to $0.
You are a single taxpayer with two dependents for whom you pay daycare expenses so you can work totaling $14,000 for Tax Year 2021. You have an Adjusted Gross Income or AGI of $80,000, so you do not reach the phaseout threshold and can claim the full credit. Since you have two dependents in daycare, you qualify for up to $16,000 instead of $8,000. On your tax return, you will be able to claim a credit for half of your childcare expenses, totaling a refundable credit of $7,000.
You and your spouse file a joint return, including your one dependent child. You make a combined income of $120,000, under the threshold, and pay $9,000 in childcare expenses so you can work. The IRS will refund you half of this, but only up to $8,000 since you have one dependent in daycare. On your tax return, you will see a credit of $4,000 to go towards the $9,000 you paid.
Additionally, if your employer provides dependent care assistance on your W-2, then you will be able to exclude a maximum amount of $10,500 or $5,250 if single or separate, up from $5,000 and $2,500 respectively, from your taxable income on your 2021 Tax Return.
See also:
After finding out if you qualify to claim this credit, you can prepare and mail your 2021 Return with these free tax forms. In the future, e-file your taxes on and we will help you claim this tax credit and any other credits or tax deductions you may qualify for. Income taxes are difficult, preparing them shouldn't be! eFileIT on
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