Who Qualifies as a Dependent on Your Return?
Claiming dependents on your taxes can help you get bigger refunds or reduce what you owe. Generally, you can claim children or other relatives who live with you and for whom you provide financial support. Make sure to check the eligibility requirements to maximize your tax benefits!

If you're not sure if a particular person, such as a child, stepchild, sibling, or nephew, might qualify on your tax return as a dependent, the DEPENDucator tool below will provide your personal answer.
There are many rules for qualifying dependents; the DEPENDucator makes it easy for you to find out quickly. Depending on your relationship with the person in question, you may also want to use the RELucator tool to determine if a person is a qualifying relative. If a person is a qualifying relative, they can be claimed as a dependent on your tax return.
Who Is a Dependent on Taxes?
Dependents are people who rely on someone for support, primarily financial support. This can be someone you take care of within your own home and is often a child or relative; for example, you and your spouse's child. There are many factors which determine a dependent's status, including their relationship to you and their income.
Your dependent might want to file his or her own return if they have income; have them select that they will be claimed by someone as a dependent when completing their return. See more on a tax return by a dependent.
See what to do if a dependent was claimed by an unqualified or ineligible taxpayer.
Start the DEPENDucator Now
This tool will tell you if your dependent qualifies you for the Child Tax Credit, the Credit for Other Dependents, and the Child and Dependent Care Credit. Our DEPENDucator is a multi-year tool so you can use it for previous years’ tax returns as well! See all of the requirements for claiming a Qualifying Child as a dependent.
The amount of dependents you should claim relies on how many people you take care of in your household. If you take care of children, adults, or other persons, you may be able to claim them as dependents.
How to Claim a Dependent?
Claiming dependents is easy through your eFile account. You can add your dependent information, including any dependent care expenses, and their details will be generated on the Form 1040 for you. The app will then walk you through claiming all associated tax credits and deductions related to dependents.
Not sure how to handle your dependent on your taxes? Get an idea using these free tools:
DEPENDucator: Who qualifies as a dependent on my tax return?
CHILDucator: Do I get the Child Tax Credit for my dependent?
FILEucator: Does my dependent have to file taxes?
EITCucator: Is my Earned Income Tax Credit bigger when I claim dependents?
TAXometer: How do I claim my dependents on a W4?
Dependents on taxes can increase your refund which is why there are many tax fraud cases involving dependents. See details on what to do if someone claimed your dependent.
File your return ASAP to prevent others from using your dependent's info. Once a Social Security number is claimed, it's locked for that tax year, and future returns will be rejected by the IRS.
Start Your IRS Tax Return Now
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Claiming dependents can qualify you for certain tax credits and a better filing status. Learn how to claim a dependent. The Child Tax Credit and other credits reduce your tax dollar-for-dollar and may even be refundable.
Credits may be limited by the dependent's age; for instance, you can claim a 25-year-old child but won't get the Child Tax Credit. You can also claim older relatives, like an elderly parent, if they have little to no earned income. Spouses can't be claimed as dependents, and you'll need to file jointly or separately. Use our free STATucator to find your filing status.
Key Point! If someone isn’t your qualifying child, they may still be your qualifying relative. Unsure if your dependent needs to file? Visit our guide on dependents filing taxes.
Your dependent may need to file if they earn above the standard deduction of $1,150 or the sum of $400 and their earned income. Check if you need to file taxes here.
See also: the Child and Dependent Care Credit, a calculator for the Child Tax Credit, and a guide for students and taxes.
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