Can you claim a Dependent?
Answer a few simple questions about your relationship with an individual and the tool will tell you if you can claim the person as a dependent with your 2024 tax year return. If someone else wants to claim the dependent, answer the questions from that person's perspective. Steps below on what to do if someone falsely claimed your dependent.
Start the Dependent Calculator or DEPENDucator
Frequently Asked Questions about a Dependent
Who qualifies as a Dependent?
Dependents are generally individuals who receive support, primarily financially etc. throughout a given tax year from someone who will claim them on their taxes for certain tax deductions and credits.
What is difference between a Qualifying Relative and a Dependent?
It's defined by the relationship status between you and the other individual. The above tax tool, or DEPENDucator, will provide answers if you can claim a person as a dependent. If you do not qualify to claim the dependent, please check if the individual might qualify as your qualifying relative or other dependent with your tax return.
Should a Dependent file a tax return?
Learn more here if your dependent needs to or should file a tax return as well. They may need to file if they are a teenager or adult who earned their own income. You can claim a dependent on your return even if that person files his or her own tax return. The dependent should indicate on his/her return on that he/she is being claimed on another person's tax return as a dependent.
Credits or Deductions I may qualify if I claim a Dependent?
What can I do if someone has falsely claimed my Dependent(s)?
- If another person, such as an ex-spouse, relative, etc., has falsely claimed an individual, use the DEPENDucator above to determine if you are the only person who is eligible to claim the individual.
- If you are the only person entitled to claim the individual, follow these steps to dispute the false dependent claim.
- Learn more about the IRS's tie-breaker rule in cases like this.
- You can prepare a tax return on, but not e-file it, if your dependent has already been claimed by another person for the 2024 tax year at the time you plan to e-file your return. Once you have prepared your return, download the return from your account, print the return, and mail it to the IRS and the state.
- Prevent false dependent claims in future tax years by obtaining an IP PIN from the IRS. Steps to obtain an IP PIN for you and your dependent.. The IP-PIN or Identity Protection Personal Identification Number will only allow you to e-file a return for a given SSN.
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