e-Collect Refund Status Lookup

eFile Is Less Taxing

If you choose to have your tax preparation fees deducted from your refund, here's how to check the status of your refund. First, your tax refund is sent to our partner bank, Pathward Bank. From there, it's forwarded to your bank account through EPS Financial.

You can only check your refund status once the IRS has accepted your tax return. To confirm acceptance, log in to your eFile.com account and go to the "My Return" page. After the IRS has approved your refund, you can track its status using the link provided below. Follow these steps to monitor your refund status after it has been processed by the IRS.

1. Verify Tax Return

Verify if your tax return was accepted by the IRS after you e-filed your return. Sign in to your eFile.com account and check on the right-side page.

2. IRS Status

If the IRS accepts your return, check your tax return refund status.

3. e-Collect application

Only after the IRS has released your tax refund, check your tax refund status with our partner bank e-collect/Pathward Bank here: https://www.myepstax.com/

The general turnaround time once the funds are received by EPS is 1-3 business days. If your tax refund was released by the IRS over 4 -5 days ago and you do not see an account or status with e-collect/Pathward Bank, here is what most likely happened:

Your e-Collect application was unfortunately not accepted by EPS/Pathward due to increased consumer identity protection measures implemented by banks while processing tax refunds. Even though this measure will increase security, it also inadvertently affects taxpayers like yourself. We at eFile.com have been in contact with the processing bank to provide more timely detailed information on the status of why your application was not accepted. In this case, the bank must return your tax refund to the IRS for either direct deposit to your bank or via a personal check in the mail. When this happens, you will not be charged any tax preparation fees by eFile.com, and all your services are free.

4. Contact the IRS

If you have more questions on this, contact the IRS about your tax return refund status. You might experience long hold times, but you can also call: 1-800-829-1954 or 1-800-829-1954.

5. Need Help?

If you have any questions or concerns as you go through the process, contact us for further instructions.
