The 2022 Earned Income Tax Credit

This earned income tax credit calculator will help you determine if you qualify for the 2022 EITC or Earned Income Tax Credit.

2022 EITC

The Earned Income Tax Credit can reduce your taxes and increase your tax refund. The credit is based on your total earned income or your total adjusted gross income (AGI), whichever is higher. Learn more here on what is earned income versus investment or passive income.

What Is the 2022 EITC?

The income limits for the EITC get adjusted every year, so even if you did not qualify for the EITC in past years, you might qualify now and be able to claim it this year on your return. Start the EITCucator tool below to see if you qualify for this credit and learn what your credit amount may be before you file your taxes.

  • As of October 2023, you can no longer e-file 2022 taxes anywhere. Here are the tax forms and calculators for 2022 paper returns. Tax refunds from a 2022 Return will expire by April 2026, thus if you expect a tax return, file before that date.
  • Use this calculator if you need to estimate the EITC for the 2024 tax year EIC.
  • calculates your EITC automatically as you enter data - start free!

The 2022 Earned Income Credit Calculator

Can I Claim the Earned Income Tax Credit?
Tax Year 2022

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Can I Claim the Earned Income Tax Credit?
Do you, your spouse and all of your qualifying children, relatives, person have a valid Social Security Number (SSN)?
Do you have earned income, such as taxable wages, salaries, tips, or net self-employment earnings?
1. Did you have at least one qualifying child, relative, person who lived with you more than 6 months during the tax year? 2. Or did you live apart from your spouse for at least 6 months during the tax year? 3.Or were you legally separated based on your state law and did not live in the same household as your spouse as of December 31?
Were you a U.S. citizen or resident alien for ALL of the tax year?
Are you a nonresident alien married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien with whom you are filing jointly?
Are you able to be claimed as the qualifying child, relative, person by another taxpayer for the purpose of the Earned Income Credit?
Are you claiming the Foreign Income Tax Exclusion for your foreign earned income?
Is your tax year investment income over $10,300?
Select the number of qualifying children, relatives or person, younger than you, you can claim that fall at least under ONE of these categories?
  • - Age 18 or younger as of December 31 of the tax year.
  • - Age 23 or younger as of December 31 of the the tax year and a full-time student for at least 5 months of the year.
  • - Permanently or totally disabled during the tax year regardless of age during the tax year.
Were you at least 25 years old and under the age of 65 as of Dec. 31 of the tax year?
Did you live in the U.S. for more than half of the tax year?

No. According to the information you have provided, you do not qualify for the Earned Income Credit.

There may be other tax credits available for you. When you prepare your tax return on, the online tax software will identify and calculate every credit for which you qualify.

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Start a return now on for more personalized results before you eFile your Taxes.
Yes, based on the information you entered, it looks like you qualify for the Earned Income Credit! It looks like you may qualify for a credit of up to  . Start a tax return on to claim your credit!
Email Me My Results, Promo Codes We will not share your email with anybody; you can unsubscribe at any time.
Start a Return now on for more personalized results before you eFile your Taxes.

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How to Claim the Earned Income Tax Credit for a Previous Tax Year?

If you need to claim the EITC for a previous year for the first time or by filing a tax amendment for an accepted return, start by determining your eligibility with these calculators below.

Prepare to prepare your next tax return with and see why eFile has become trusted amongst taxpayers. The eFile platform will not only claim the credit for you, but will calculate the maximum amount you are entitled to. See our promises and compare to other tax preparation services to see for yourself!
