Prepare and e-file your 2024 year Missouri state tax return - resident, nonresident, or part-year resident returns - with your IRS return via
Missouri State Income Tax Rate: 4.80%
Prepare only a MO State Return
Where Is Your IRS Refund?
Missouri Income Tax Extension
Missouri Income Tax Amendment
Missouri IRS Late Filing, Tax Payment Penalties
1. Late Filing Penalty: The failure to file penalty is 5% of the taxes owed per month it's not submitted. The total penalty will not go over 25%.
2. Late Payment Penalty: The failure to pay penalty is the same as the failure to file penalty.
3. IRS Penalties: Calculate and estimate your
potential IRS income tax return penalties.
Missouri Income Tax Brackets
Missouri Income Tax Forms
Missouri Marriage Penalty
Prepare and e-file these state forms in conjunction with your federal income tax return. As you proceed through the tax interview on, the application will select the correct state forms for you. You can also select tax forms individually. All these forms will then be e-filed by you to the state tax agency. See instructions on how to only prepare a state income tax return.
8826 - Missouri Mo State Tax Disabled Access Credit Form Mo 8826
MO W-4 - Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
MO-1040ES - Declaration of Estimated Tax for Individuals
MO-2ENT - Statement of Income Tax Payments for Nonresident Entertainers
MO-60 - Application for Extension of Time to File
MO-ATC - Adoption Tax Credit Claim
MO-DAT - Residential Dwelling Access Tax Credit
MO-SCC - Shared Care Tax Credit
5632 - Missouri’s 529 Education Plan
MO-1040 - Missouri Individual Income Tax Return - Long Form
MO-1040V - Missouri Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher
MO-A - Individual Income Tax Adjustments
MO-CFC - Champion for Children Tax Credit
MO-CR - Credit for Income Taxes Paid To Other States or Political Subdivisions
MO-CRP - Certification of Rent Paid
MO-NRI - Missouri Income Percentage
MO-PTC - Property Tax Credit Claim
MO-PTS - Property Tax Credit Schedule
MO-SHC - Self-Employed Health Insurance Tax Credit
* Due to IRS and State Tax Agency tax data sharing and validation requirements, you can only e-file a State Income Tax Return while also e-filing a Federal Income Tax Return. This is not an created policy, but all online tax websites have to adhere to this IRS/state issued tax data sharing policy. You can however prepare all 44 State Income Tax Returns on if you have already e-filed or filed your IRS return. See instructions on how you can ONLY prepare and file State Income Tax Return(s). Only on can you prepare, file or e-file unlimited State Tax Returns for one low price and not pay for each state return like you would do on H&R Block® vs. TurboTax®. Dare to Compare Now.