New Mexico Income Taxes and NM State Tax Forms

Prepare and e-File your 2024 year New Mexico state tax return - resident, nonresident, or part-year resident returns - with your IRS return via

  • State return only regulations*): Per IRS and New Mexico state tax agency regulation - not - you can NOT just prepare and e-file a state return (with the exception of California) without also e-filing the IRS return on the same platform. If you have filed your federal return already, you can prepare a New Mexico state return on and then download, print, and sign the return before you mail it in. See instructions on ONLY preparing and mailing in a New Mexico and/or other state tax returns.
  • File your NM and IRS returns together on

NM Tax Help and Resources

New Mexico State Income Tax Rate: 5.9%
Prepare only a NM state return without an IRS return.
See step by step instructions on how to only prepare and download - not e-file - state returns on
Where Is Your New Mexico Tax Refund Money?
Step 1: Sign into your account and check acceptance by the tax agency.
Step 2: Check your New Mexico tax refund status.
Where Is Your IRS Refund?
Step 1: Sign into your account and check acceptance by the IRS.
Step 2: Check your IRS tax refund status.
New Mexico Income Tax Extension
New Mexico Income Tax Amendment
How to Correct a Rejected Tax Return
If your NM tax return was rejected by the NM Tax Agency - not - see instructions on how to correct a rejected New Mexico Tax Return.
How to Pay Income Taxes
New Mexico IRS Late Filing, Tax Payment Penalties

1. Late Filing Penalty: The failure-to-file penalty is 2% per month or partial month that the total taxes owed are not paid. The maximum is 20% of your total unpaid taxes due.

2. Late Payment Penalty: The failure-to-pay penalty is the same as the failure-to-file penalty.

3. IRS Penalties: Calculate and estimate your potential IRS income tax return penalties.

NM Tax Return Mailing Addresses
Find various New Mexico mailing addresses for tax returns, tax amendments, and tax payments.
New Mexico Income Tax Brackets
New Mexico Income Tax Forms
View or download NM income tax forms by year.
New Mexico Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment benefits are fully taxed in New Mexico.
New Mexico Marriage Penalty

Start Federal and New Mexico Tax Returns

e-File These New Mexico State Tax Forms

Prepare and e-file these state forms for 2024 tax year in conjunction with your federal and state income tax return. As you proceed through the tax interview on, the application will select the correct state forms for you. You can also select tax forms individually. All these forms will then be e-filed by you to the state tax agency. See instructions on how to only prepare a state income tax return.

NM Tax Form Current Tax Year
PIT-110 - Adjustments To New Mexico Income
PIT-5 - New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Qualified Facility Rehabilitation Credit
PIT-CG - New Mexico Caregiver Statement
PIT-ES - Personal Income Estimated Tax Payment Voucher
PIT-PV - Personal Income Tax Payment Voucher
PIT-1 - New Mexico Personal Income Tax Return
PIT-ADJ - New Mexico Schedule Of Additions, Deductions, And Exemptions
PIT-B - New Mexico Allocation And Apportionment Of Income Schedule
PIT-CR - New Mexico Business-Related Income Tax Credit Schedule
PIT-D - New Mexico Voluntary Contributions Schedule
PIT-EXT - New Mexico Personal Income Tax Extension Payment Voucher
PIT-RC - New Mexico Rebate And Credit Schedule
PIT-X - New Mexico Personal Income Tax Amended Return

* Due to IRS and state tax agency data sharing and validation requirements, you can only e-file a state income tax return while also e-filing a federal income tax return. This is not an created policy, but a federally regulated one which all online tax filing websites have to adhere to. You can, however, prepare all 44 state income tax returns on if you have already e-filed or filed your IRS return. View instructions on how you can ONLY prepare and file state income tax return(s). Only on can you prepare and file or e-file unlimited state tax returns for one low price and not pay for each state return like you would do on H&R Block® vs. TurboTax®. Dare to compare now.
