D.C. Taxes Pages

Washington, D.C. Income Taxes

Prepare and e-file your 2024 year Washington, D.C. state tax return - resident, nonresident, or part-year resident returns - together with your IRS return via eFile.com.

  • State return only regulations*): Per IRS and Washington, D.C. state tax agency regulation - not eFile.com - you can NOT just prepare and e-file a state return (with the exception of California) without also e-filing the IRS return on the same platform. If you have filed your federal return already, you can prepare a Washington, D.C. state return on eFile.com and then download, print, sign, and mail it in. See instructions on how to ONLY prepare and not also e-File Washington, D.C. and/or other state tax returns.
  • File your taxes online by e-filing your D.C. and IRS returns together on eFile.com.

Washington D.C. Tax Help and Resources

Washington, D.C. State Income Tax Rate: 10.75%
Prepare only a D.C. tax return without an IRS return.
See step-by-step instructions on how to only Prepare and Download - not eFile - State Returns on eFile.com.
Where Is Your Washington D.C. Tax Refund Money?
Step 1: Sign into your eFile.com account and check acceptance by the tax agency.
Step 2: Check your Washington, D.C. tax refund status.
Where Is Your IRS Refund?
Step 1: Sign into your eFile.com account and check acceptance by the IRS.
Step 2: Check your IRS tax refund status.
Washington D.C. Income Tax Extension
Washington, D.C. Income Tax Amendment
How to Correct a Rejected Tax Return
If your D.C. tax return was rejected by the D.C. tax agency - not eFile.com - review instructions on how to correct a rejected District of Columbia tax return.
How to Pay Income Taxes
Step 1: See options on how to best pay your D.C. income taxes.
Step 2: Learn your IRS tax payment options.
Washington, D.C., IRS Late Filing, Tax Payment Penalties
1. Late Filing Penalty: For every month or part of the month a return is filed late, you would be charged a 5% penalty of your total unpaid tax unless you can provide a reasonable cause for filing the return after the April 18 deadline. The maximum penalty is 25% of the your unpaid or late-paid taxes owed. The minimum penalty you can be charged by the state tax agency is $5.
2. Late Payment Penalty: You will be charged a 5% underpayment penalty If you do not pay the entire amount of your taxes due with your filed return. An additional 25% penalty of your taxes due will be imposed on any unreported amount of taxable income that's more than 25% of the taxable income that's shown on your return. If the tax due is not paid within 90 days and the total amount due, including penalties and fees, amounts to over $200, then a collection fee will be administered by the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue. The fee amounts to 10% of the total tax, penalties, and interest. The interest rate for underpayment of taxes is 10% annually, and is compounded on a daily basis.
3. IRS Penalties: Calculate and Estimate your potential IRS Income Tax Return Penalties.
D.C. Tax Return Mailing Addresses
Find various D.C. Mailing Addresses for tax returns, tax amendments, and tax payments.
Washington, D.C. Income Tax Brackets
Washington, D.C. Income Tax Forms
Washington, D.C. Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment benefits are subject to income taxes in Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. Marriage Penalty

Start Federal and Washington D.C. Tax Returns

E-File These Washington, D.C. Tax Forms

Prepare and e-File these forms for the 2024 tax year in conjunction with your Federal and State Income Tax Return. As you proceed through the tax interview on eFile.com, the application will select the correct state forms for you. You can also select tax forms individually. All these forms will then be e-filed by you to the D.C. State Tax Agency. Instructions on how to only prepare a State Income Tax Return.

D-4 - DC Withholding Allowance Worksheet
D-40ES - Estimated Payment for Individual Income Tax
D-2440 - Disability Income Exclusion
D-2441 - Child and Dependent Care Credit for Part-Year Residents
D-40 - Individual Income Tax Return
D-40P - Payment Voucher for Individual Income Tax
D.C. Schedule L - Lower Income Long-Term Homeowner Credit
FR-127 - Extension of Time to File a DC Income Tax Return Worksheet
FR-147 - Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
Schedule H - Homeowner and Renter Property Tax Credit

Due to IRS and State Tax Agency tax data sharing and validation requirements, you can only e-file a State Income Tax Return while also e-filing a Federal Income Tax Return. This is not an eFile.com created policy, but all online tax web sites have to adhere to this IRS/state issued tax data sharing policy. You can however prepare all 44 State Income Tax Returns on eFile.com if you have already e-Filed or filed your IRS return. Instructions on how you can ONLY prepare and file State Income Tax Return(s). Only on eFile.com can you prepare, file or e-file unlimited State Tax Returns for one low price and not pay for each State return like you would do on H&R Block® vs. TurboTax®. Dare to Compare Now.
