Report Estimate and or Extension Tax Payments

See how to enter Tax Estimate - Form 1040-ES payments file via If you made an estimated tax payment either via Form 1040-ES or with your tax extension Form 4686 (online or otherwise), make sure you report these on your return.

1. Sign in to
2. Estimate Payments
To add your payment details, select Federal Taxes -> Review on the left green menu, then select I'd like to see the forms I've filled out or search for a form. Here, you can review or edit forms you have entered, browse various forms by category, and search for a form. You can enter a form number or a key word for the form or schedule. For example, enter "Estimate" or "Extension" to find where to report your IRS and state tax estimate payments and extension payments. Either click the "+ Add form" button to add a specific form or edit the existing form.
Estimate Tax Payment
3. Extension Payments

Follow the steps above Federal Taxes -> Review on the left green menu to identify the Extension form. Enter "Extension" to find where to report your IRS and state tax estimate payments and extension payments. Either select the "+ Add form" button to add a specific form or edit the existing form.

Extension Tax Payment
State Extension Tax Payments
State Extension Tax Payment

Your estimated payments will reduce your total taxes owed or increase your refund if you overpaid. Enter these accurately and honestly to assure you pay the right amount of taxes this year.
