Tax Refund Anticipation Date

2024 Tax Returns can be e-filed from January 1, 2025 - October 15, 2025.
Select your tax refund transfer method. Compare
Bank Direct Deposit - Fastest method, no tax preparation fee deduction option.
e-Collect Direct Deposit - Second fastest method; enables tax preparation fee deduction.
Check in the Mail - Slowest method, no tax preparation fee deduction option.
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Disclaimer: makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the results of this estimator or calculator tool. The results are estimates and for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for tax advice.

When Should I Expect My Refund?

The IRS estimates that most tax refunds are issued within 21 days after filing; this DATEucator provides you with your refund anticipation date based on your deposit selection. This calculator, like all of the free tax calculators on, uses IRS information to provide users with a current, accurate answer.

The Free Federal Edition on is free. For more complex returns, use the Deluxe or Premier version; you can start free, and the eFile Tax App will adjust your package based on your entries. Review your tax preparation results anytime.

Doing taxes can be stressful. aims to get you your tax refund quickly, though timing depends on IRS processing. You also have our promise as your guarantee that eFile will maximize your refund based on your inputs. Use the tool below to estimate your refund date.

Tax Tip: e-filing and using bank direct deposit is the fastest and safest way to receive your federal and state tax refunds. Don't be Penny Wise and Tax Foolish! Do IT Less Taxing at

Already filed and just need to track your IRS or state refunds?

Where's my IRS refund? | Where's my state refund?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get my refund direct deposited?

Select the bank direct deposit transfer method to receive your tax refunds quickly and securely. Once accepted by the IRS, your refund will be electronically transferred to the bank account you provided. Refunds may take up to 21 days or as little as 7 days, depending on IRS security procedures. Certain tax credits, like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), may delay processing until late February for security reasons, with updates typically after February 15.

New IRS security measures for tax returns may delay your refund. This includes identity verification steps like the IRS Identity Protection PIN. Refunds may also be issued as paper checks even if direct deposit was requested if there are any issues with the bank details provided.

If your refund is lower than expected, it may have been adjusted or offset by the Treasury Offset Program (TOP) via the IRS. This can occur due to outstanding debts such as:

  • Unpaid child support
  • Federal non-tax debts (e.g., student loans)
  • State income tax debts
  • State unemployment compensation debts.

You may receive an IRS Letter CP12 explaining the adjustment.

An offset for non-tax debts occurs after the IRS verifies your refund to the Financial Management Service (FMS) and finds that you have certain unpaid debts. Although offsets reduce your expected refund, they do not delay the remaining refund. You will receive a notice from FMS if your refund has been offset, listing the original and offset amounts.

To dispute an offset, contact the agency that received the offset, not the IRS or FMS. For questions, call the Treasury Offset Program Call Center at 1-800-304-3107.

We know preparing your taxes can be stressful to the mind and wallet. Thus, we offer promotions, promo codes, and eFile discounts.
