Tax Forms, Calculator for Tax Year 2020
You can no longer claim a tax refund for your 2020 return. We are keeping the information below for archival purposes.
Your 2020 tax return needed to be filed and mailed in by May 17, 2024; 2020 taxes can no longer be e-filed anywhere. This means you had until this date to claim the first two stimulus payments. 2020 tax forms and schedules are listed here on this page. There are close to $1 billion in unclaimed 2020 Tax Refunds; don't be part of this statistic of unclaimed tax refunds for your future tax returns.
This deadline also applied to 2020 state income tax return refunds. To file 2020 Taxes for free, start with the 2020 Tax Calculator to estimate your return before filling out the forms listed below - or, you can search for tax forms. Use these free, online, fillable forms to complete your 2020 Return before you sign, print, and mail your return to the IRS. See our state tax page for state forms and addresses.
Filing a 2020 Return was the only way to claim Stimulus 1 and 2 and these payments expired on May 17, 2024.
e-File your current year tax return online each year with a free account so you do not have to worry about handling any complicated tax forms. Compare our tax services and see why you should file electronically each year to get your refund fast. IT is Income Taxes: Do IT for less on and eFileIT.

File 2020 Taxes for Free
2020 Tax Return Forms and schedules for January 1 - December 31, 2020 can be only be paper filed now - FileIT. You had until October 15, 2021 to e-file 2020 Tax Returns, but you can - and should! - still file your 2020 Return. If you owed taxes, late filing penalties may apply to your tax liability. File or amend your 2020 Taxes by following these steps:
Important: the IRS announced in late August of 2022 that late filing penalties for 2019 and 2022 Returns were being abated or refunded if a taxpayer already claimed them. The IRS extended the penalty deadline so that they only begin accruing for returns filed after September 30, 2022 instead of the regular due date. Any returns filed before this date should not face any penalties; returns filed after this due date will see a penalty beginning at usually 5% of the taxes due, up to 25%. See more details on tax penalties.
If you did not e-file the 2020 Forms via, you can load, complete, and sign the forms online via the editor. Then download, print, and mail the paper forms to the 2020 IRS address. See detailed information on state income tax returns, forms, and more. Don't be late when filing taxes: e-file your return each year when it is due to you can prepare and file it entirely online.
W-4 - Voluntary Income Tax Withholding form - no longer relevant.
Previous, Current, and Future Taxes
See current year declaration or statement forms you may receive after a tax year. These are forms you might have received from employers, for contract work, from a retirement brokerage, or other place. When preparing a return, you will use these to report figures on your forms to calculate your taxes owed or refund. When you prepare your current year return on, you simply enter figures from these forms and the eFile Tax App handles all the calculations and forms for you.
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