IRS Tax Return Penalty and Interest Calculator
Tax returns and payments are due on Tax Day, April 15 as well as most state tax returns. View any of these tax deadline videos to understand the difference of the tax deadline and late tax filing and/or tax payment penalties.
Start the Tax Penalty Estimator
If you miss the April tax deadline, you can e-file your tax return(s) until October. After the October deadline, you can only mail in paper returns for previous tax years.
- Tax Tip: If you owe taxes by the April deadline, file something (return or extension) even if you can't pay anything! This would eliminate the late filing penalty which is generally higher than the late payment penalty. Start and eFileIT! Furthermore, you do not have to pay taxes when you file your return, you can file first and then pay later either by check in the mail or directly on the IRS payment page and/or the associated state payment pages.
Use the Late Filing and/or Late Payment Calculator - PENALTYuctor - tool below to calculate any penalties or interest you might owe the IRS due to a missed deadline or late payment. Learn more about tax penalties and how they apply to you.
IRS Penalties
There are two types of tax penalties: filing late and paying late. IRS penalties only apply when you owe taxes; if you are owed a refund or do not owe any taxes, there is no penalty for filing late. File your returns as soon as possible if you owe taxes. At the very least, file or e-file a tax extension to reduce the late filing penalty as it is significantly higher than the late payment penalty. The penalty for not doing your taxes is typically around 5% of the tax you owe, increasing by 5% each month until reaching a maximum failure to file penalty of 25%. e-File your taxes in the year they are due so you never have to worry about accruing late penalties or filling out paper forms.
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