Maryland Income Tax Payments, Mailing Addresses

You can select one of these payment options after you have e-filed or filed your 2024 Maryland Tax Return. Alternatively, you can pay Maryland income tax here prior to filing (e.g with an extension). Plus, you can make online Maryland tax estimated payments for next tax year. If you eFiled your taxes and pay online, you don't have to mail any MD forms (e.g. tax return, extension, or tax estimated form).

Maryland State Tax Payment Options

Payment Type
Additional Information
Create an account with the MD Individual Taxpayer Online Service Center to submit your payment directly to the state tax agency now. If you already have an account, log into your account to view the status of your payment, cancel a payment, or schedule a future payment.
Check the status of your direct payment
This is a free option if you want to pay your taxes owed via your bank account.
Use this payment option if you want to pay your tax payment via your credit card. There is an additional 2.49% service fee for paying with your card if you're using the Comptroller of Maryland Online Tax Payments site. This fee is collected by NICUSA, Inc., Maryland's eGovernment service provider.
Apply for an installment agreement with the MD state tax agency. When setting up the plan, you need to enter the notice number from a recent tax bill you received from the state tax department.
Use this payment option if you cannot pay your tax bill and want to get on a payment plan.
You can submit your payment via mail with Form PV. On your payment, write your SSN or ITIN. Make the check payable to Comptroller of Maryland. With your payment, include a copy of your bill or notice. Mail the payment to the MD mailing address with payment below.
Use this payment option if you prefer to submit your payment via check, money order, or casher's check in the mail.
Estimated Tax Payment Options
Choose one of these options: 1) Create an account with the MD Individual Taxpayer Online Service Center to submit your payment directly to the state tax department now. If you already have an account, log into your account to view the status of your payment, cancel a payment, or schedule a future payment.
2) Submit an estimated tax payment via the Official Payments site or the Comptroller of Maryland Online Tax Payments site.
3) Submit your estimated payment via mail with Form PV. On your payment, write your SSN or ITIN. Make the check payable to Comptroller of Maryland. With your payment, include a copy of your bill or notice. Mail the payment to the MD mailing address with payment below.
Use one of these payment options if you want to submit estimated taxes rather than submit all your taxes owed at once.
You can use many of these online IRS tax payment options before or after you e-File your Federal Income Tax Return. In addition, you can pay tax extension and tax estimated payments. For estimated payments, you do not have to submit a form. Extension you can eFile on for free.
These payment options are independent from preparing and eFiling your tax return on offers these payment options for all taxpayers.

Maryland Tax Return Mailing Addresses

Addresses to mail Maryland Income Tax Returns, Amendments, Extensions, or Tax Payments.

Return Type
MD Tax Return: Address if you expect a Tax Refund or Don't Owe Taxes on your Tax Return
Comptroller of Maryland
Revenue Administration Division
PO Box 549
Annapolis, MD 21411-0001
MD Tax Return: Address if you owe Taxes and include payment (includes estimated payments). Tip: Make Tax Payments online and you will not have to mail any payments. See above.
Comptroller of Maryland
Payment Processing
PO Box 8888
Annapolis, MD 21401-8888
MD Amended Tax Return: Address if you need to mail a Maryland Amended Tax Return
Comptroller of Maryland
Revenue Administration Division
Amended Return Unit
110 Carroll Street
Annapolis, MD 21411-0001

Other U.S. States, Territories, and Protectorates.
