Tax Year 2022, Calculators, Tax Forms

Tax Year
Calculators, Forms

For 2022 Tax returns, October 2023 was the deadline to e-file; now, you can only file paper returns for tax year 2022. Find links to 2022 IRS Tax Forms and Tax Calculators here on this page.

For the 2024 tax year, find all up-to-date tax calculators plus IRS and state tax forms. When you file your return online each year when it is due, this allows you to use tax filing software which handles the hard work for you! Start free now.

The tax return deadline for current year returns is usually April 15; the e-File deadline is the following October 15.

Can I File 2022 Taxes Today?

You can file 2022 taxes and mail them in at any time; whether you owe taxes or are owed a refund determines the result of filing. Use the resources below to estimate your 2022 return and then open the needed forms to complete and send them in.

Calculator, Tool
Use this calculator for Tax Year 2022. Estimate your 2022 Return first before you file; know your estimated federal tax refund or if you owe the IRS Taxes.
View a list of 2022 IRS Tax Forms and Schedules or search for current or past IRS and/or state tax forms. 2022 Returns can no longer be e-filed as of October 16, 2023. Mail in your 2022 Taxes to the IRS.
2022 Tax Return Deadline
If you expect a tax refund for 2022, you have until April 2026 to file your 2022 return and claim it. After that date, your 2022 tax refund would expire. If you owe 2022 taxes, file as soon as possible even if you can't pay your taxes at this time because the late tax return filing penalty is generally larger than the late tax payment penalty. Estimate your potential tax penalties.
What are your 2022 tax brackets and personal tax rate? The Tax Bracket or Rate Calculator - RATEucator - will tell you.
State income tax calculators by tax year let you estimate your state tax details. Prepare and e-file your state's taxes with your IRS return at one low price, not one per state.
Who is your qualifying dependent or qualifying child? Find out if your child or relative qualifies as a dependent. Has somebody, like an ex-spouse, claimed your dependent before you did?
Are you supporting a parent, relative, girlfriend, boyfriend, or other person? Find out who your qualifying relative or dependent is on your 2022 Return.
The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit: if you have a child or another dependent on your tax return, determine your eligibility for this credit.
To file or not to file a 2022 Tax Return, that is the question. You might be surprised, but filing a return might benefit you! Use the "FILEucator" tax tool and find out!
Were you single with one or more dependents or qualifying relatives during 2022? The head of household filing status might just be for you. Find out before you e-file.
If your 2022 taxable income was at a certain level and you are at least 19, let the Earned Income Tax Credit work for you. The credit may be increased if you have at least one qualified child.
When preparing a tax return, you must choose which filing status to use. The "STATucator" tool will help you determine which filing status to use. You may select married jointly or separately, widow, single, or Head of Household, etc.
The "CHILDucator" tax tool will help determine if your child or dependent qualifies you to claim the Child Tax Credit on your tax return.
The IRS penalties for not filing a tax return or a tax extension are higher than not paying taxes owed. It's better to e-file or file your tax return and pay as much taxes as possible than not filing at all. has tools to complete Form W4. Start with basic and fill out your W-4 Form(s) online and email the form to yourself or your employer. does not store any of your personal information - 2024 tax year only.
What you enter on your W4 Form determines to a great extent if you get a tax refund or owe taxes with your tax return. Use the "TAXometer" tool to help you determine paycheck tax withholding that works for you or contact a Taxpert® to get this done right.
Estimate your previous year(s) income tax return now and determine your federal tax refund or if you owe taxes. File as soon as possible if you owe tax to reduce penalties.
Follow this tax return timeline for current year returns and you will be on a safe track to get your taxes done right and on time.
If you owe taxes and don't have the funds to pay, e-file a tax extension on or eFile your taxes by April 15 as late filing penalties are much higher than late tax payment penalties - 2024 year returns only.
Tax forms for previous tax years you can no longer e-File. You can complete, sign, and download the forms on before you print and mail them to the IRS mailing address or state tax agencies.
Generally, we suggest you pay your taxes online at the state site. If you owe state taxes by the deadline, paying some or all your taxes will serve as a tax extension for many states.
Estimate your 2023 Taxes if you still need to file this year as well. Attention: You must adjust your tax withholding as early as possible so you don't give your hard-earned money to the IRS and risk losing your refund. Use the eFile Withholding Tool and Taxometer to set your tax return goals each year you get a large refund.
Need to estimate future taxes or calculate back taxes? Find tax calculators by tax year.
Lean on the steps outlined here to file your next tax return online - we make IT easy on

Spare yourself the hassle of handling and filling out complicated tax forms: e-file your return on each year and let us work for you. The eFile Tax App handles all the calculations and associated forms based on user entries. Prepare your taxes now and be done with IT.
