Tax Deadlines to Keep in Mind

Stay on top of deadlines so you do not surrender your refund, accumulate penalties on taxes owed, or lose the ability to file online. Pay minimal taxes by filing on time, online, and by preparing for next year.

The timely tax deadline to pay and e-file 2024 year taxes is generally April 15. If you miss this date, you have until mid-October to e-file both federal and state tax returns. Keep in mind, if you owe taxes and don't file a tax extension, you might be subject to tax penalties. Use our free tax refund calculator to find out what your tax refund might be or if you owe taxes. See instructions on how to prepare back taxes and mail-in instructions below. Prepare and e-file your upcoming tax return by the deadline so you do not have to handle paper forms.

Tax Deadlines
for Taxes

For a comprehensive tax deadline listing, visit the Tax Day deadline page. Throughout a tax year or season, follow this guideline to plan and prepare your next tax return.

Don't overlook filing! You may have a refund waiting for you - see if you have to or should file taxes.

Taxercise your paycheck starting with the W-4 Taxometer. Set your tax return goals and adjust your Form W-4! Keep more of your hard earning money throughout the year and don't just wait for your tax refund. If you get a sizeable tax refund, you are withholding too much in taxes throughout the year. Use the PAYucator now to adjust your W-4 and keep more of your money now or with each paycheck. The PAYucator will have detailed instructions on how to decrease or increase your tax withholding.

Where to Find Tax Forms and Due Dates?

There are various tax deadlines related to income tax returns for both federal and state. Below, find these dates for the current tax year to keep in mind. Taxes are due by the IRS April deadline. Prepare your tax return on to take advantage of fully online preparation and e-filing - don't handle any paper forms! See how the eFile Tax App works and dare to compare to TurboTax® or H&R Block®.

When Is This Year's Return Due?

  • Filing Deadline: April 15.
  • eFileIT: Available on for federal and state returns at our lowest price guarantee.
  • Late Filing: If you miss the April deadline, you can still eFileIT until October 15.

IRS Tax Refund Date

When Are Extensions Due?

When to File an Amendment By?

  • When to File: As soon as possible.
  • Using If you filed your original return through, you can amend it right in your account and eFileIT. State amendments vary.

When Are State Taxes Due?

  • Filing Deadline: Most states by April 15.
  • eFileIT: File your state return together with your federal return for convenience and a low price.
  • State-Only Returns: If you’ve already e-filed your federal return, prepare a state-only return on and mail it.

What Is the Health Insurance Deadline?

  • Enrollment Deadline: April 15
  • Form 1095-A: If enrolled in a healthcare plan through the Marketplace, you will receive a 1095-A Form for tax reporting.

Back Tax Forms

Access a list of IRS and state tax forms for current and previous years on Once the October e-filing deadline for the year passes, these returns become back taxes which can only be mailed in on paper forms.

  • Filing: No longer e-filed; must be completed, signed, and mailed.
  • Refund Claims: Can only claim refunds within three years after the original due date.

Can You File an Extension for Last Year?

Tax extensions are not available for past years; file your return as soon as possible.

What Is the Deadline for a Tax Amendment?

Mail in Form 1040-X only; refund claims must adhere to the three-year rule. You should file an amendment as soon as you become aware of the need to do so, especially if it gives you a refund.

How Long Can You File State Taxes?

If you miss the deadline, complete and mail forms only as the e-filing option has expired for back taxes. Check your state’s page for specific details.

When Are Back Taxes Due?

  • 2024 Returns: Due April 15, 2025; e-file deadline is October 15, 2025. The last day to claim your refund is April 15, 2028.
  • 2023 Returns: Due April 15, 2024; e-file deadline was October 15, 2024. The last day to claim your refund is April 15, 2027.
  • 2022 Returns: Due April 16, 2023; e-file deadline was October 16, 2023. The last day to claim your refund is April 16, 2026.
  • 2021 Returns: Due April 18, 2022; e-file deadline was October 17, 2022. The last day to claim your refund is April 18, 2025.

File your current year return online each year so you do not have to handle complicated tax forms and do all the work yourself. Let work for you! Since tax returns can only be filed electronically for the current year as per IRS and state regulation, is updated each season to allow individuals to prepare and e-file their present year returns.

Keep track of the above dates and sign up for a free account to get your federal and applicable state tax returns e-filed on time each year. Dare to compare to TurboTax® or H&R Block®! If you miss the e-file deadline - usually October 15 following a tax year - you will have to prepare back taxes.

What to Do If You Miss the April Tax Day Deadline?

What happens when you do not file your taxes by April 15? Can you file late taxes online? What are the penalties for filing late? Can the IRS take your refund for filing late?

Here are two separate scenarios based on whether you owe taxes or if the IRS owes you a tax refund.

What happens if you miss the April 15 deadline, and you are owed a refund?

If you are owed a tax refund and you do not file by April 15, you can still e-file your taxes until October 15 and face no penalty if you are in fact owed a refund. You must file within three years of the April deadline or your refund expires. The IRS cannot take your refund solely for filing late, but they can claim or garnish it if you owe taxes or other debts.

You also do not need to file a tax extension if you do not owe taxes.

What happens if you miss the April 15 deadline, and you owe taxes?

If you miss the April deadline and owe taxes, the IRS will begin applying penalties to the amount you owe. You can still e-file your taxes until the October deadline, but penalties will build up and you will need to pay these. File a return or tax extension if you owe taxes to reduce or eliminate the late filing fee - the late payment penalty will still be applied if you do not pay the taxes you owe by the deadline.

Back Taxes: Previous Year Forms, Calculators, Payments, & Penalties
