Tax Return Checklist: Get Ready to File

To best prepare for filing taxes, first start by gathering your forms, statements, and other documents that show your income and deductions. Below, find a checklist to print and check off or to take mental notes on that way you remember to gather all your forms before preparing your income tax return or ITR.
What Forms Do I Need for Taxes?
Use the checklist below to gather your documents and other forms that you will need to file your taxes. Not all items may apply; keep track of your forms and store copies for your records once you have e-filed your return. See an overview of taxable income and non-taxable income to see various types of income and whether or not they are taxed.
Taxable Income Forms, Documents
Tax Credits
Tax Deductions, Expenses
Tax Estimate Payments
- ___ Estimated Tax Payments Made with ES Vouchers or Online
- ___ Last Year's Tax Return Over-Payment Applied to This Year
- ___ Off Highway Fuel Taxes Paid
General Information
Taxes are difficult enough, preparing them shouldn't be. We at strive to get rid of the Tax Mumbo Jumbo for you as much as possible. We strongly suggest that you prepare to prepare your income tax returns. Too many taxpayers rush into this to get their refunds, only to realize later that they missed a W-2 or 1099, meaning they are forced to prepare and file a tax amendment.
What Steps Do I Take to File Taxes?
Step 1: Collect Your Forms. Before you start preparing your return on, use this page as a reference to collect the forms, receipts, documents, and statements necessary to prepare and e-file your taxes.
- If you miss an important form on your tax return, such as an income or deduction form, you will have to prepare a tax amendment. In order to avoid the hassles of a tax amendment, we strongly recommend you start preparing your taxes, but DO NOT e-file your taxes before February 1. Why? Employers, brokers, etc. are required to get all forms to you before February 1. Filing without a form in early January and later receiving one would mean you would have to file a tax amendment.
- If an employer does not provide you with your W-2 forms or the issuer(s) of a 1099 form does not get them to you on time, contact them and request it. Here are tips on what to do if you do not get a W-2 on time.
Step 2: Estimate and Understand Your Taxes. View these important tax filing steps.
Step 3: Use Tax Software and eFileIT. Once you have gathered your forms and have a fair understanding of what your taxes may be, sign up for a free account.
With e-file, you can file your individual income tax return online and include all your income from wages or employment, your small business, retirement, stocks and investments, and other income.
Follow this page and you will be better prepared to support your online tax return in case of a future federal or state tax audit. Visit our tax return planning page and review our list of stupid and smart things taxpayers do when completing tax returns.
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